
Funding opportunities for researchers from developing countries


The ‘Learning Events Programme for Researchers from Developing Countries’ is accepting grant applications from researchers from developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America that are working with Swiss institutions. Moreover, African, Asian or Latin American research and educational institutions or their Swiss counterparts are invited to submit their learning event proposals by 28 February 2014. The learning and training content should include soft skills, theories, methods, integrated approaches, thematic specializations, and inter- and trans-disciplinary working methods.

Grants will be allocated to three or four projects and will cover costs (such as accommodation, food, excursion, local transport) for researchers from developing countries. The grants will also cover additional costs for the preparation and realization of the learning event.

The grants are awarded by the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) supported by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in recognition of the importance of learning events for enhancing educational, scientific and training competencies of researchers and institutions.

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