
Sharing knowledge on Alps projects


WikiAlps, an encyclopaedia-like platform, will go online in May 2014 and provide ready-to-use information about selected territorial development European Union (EU) projects to support policy making. The online platform will enable easy access to the wealth of information generated by Alpine Space Project, a trans-national EU programme to promote sustainable development of the Alpine region.

WikiAlps will provide access to data, guidelines, recommendations and operative tools in a user-friendly format for policy makers, civil servants, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to assist with spatial planning and territorial development policy formulation.

Two workshops will be held in late spring 2014 to discuss the results of projects in mountainous European countries and to assess the spatial development concerns and needs in the Alps. The workshops, entitled “Transnational Working Table,” will allow participants from the Alpine region to gain better insight of WikiAlps and its potential use in policy design and to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences related to Alpine Space Projects. The first will take place in Innsbruck, Austria, on 6 May, 2014, for participants from Austria, Germany, Eastern Italy and Slovenia and the second workshop will be held in Courmayeur, Italy, on 28 May 2014 for participants from France, Western Italy and Switzerland. 

The European Regional Development Fund is co-financing the project along with Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Germany) and Ministry of Economic Development (Italy).

Seven institutions with wide-ranging expertise in spatial and sustainable development issues, coupled with the involvement of a large number of observers, will contribute to the site to address major spatial development challenges. 

The seven partners in the project are:

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