
Journal calls for papers on Himalayan biodiversity


The Bhutan Ecological Society (BES) would like invite all interested national and international scientists and practitioners to submit their manuscripts (PDF only) to [email protected], for consideration for publication in the inaugural issue of Proceedings of BES. Submissions are due by 5 PM on 16 June 2014. A deadline extension may be granted upon request.

Proceedings of BES is an open access, online journal dedicated to promoting the informed conservation and management of the Himalaya’s rich biological diversity. Consistent with the mission of the Bhutan Ecological Society, the journal publishes research articles, reviews, short communications, and perspectives from the many sectors — including legal, education, research, management, religious, and media — that contribute to understanding and developing solutions for the Himalaya’s most pressing environmental problems.   

Original submissions will be accepted for the following categories:

  • Research Article (up to 6000 words). Original theoretical or empirical research in the natural or social sciences, relevant to Bhutan.
  • Policy Analysis (up to 6000 words). Informed analysis of current conservation policy topics in Bhutan.
  • Review Paper (up to 7500 words). Thorough literature or interview review of a current topic within the journal’s scope.
  • Short Communication (up to 2500 words). Important preliminary and novel research or findings (e.g., discovery of new species) that may not appropriate for submission as a full ‘Research Article’.
  • Perspective (up to 2500 words). Personal viewpoint on any subject within the journal's scope, or responding to material previously published in Proceedings of BES. Arguments should be supported by evidence with relevant citations.

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Photo: Flickr/Jean-Marie Hullot

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