
Climate change platform launched in Kyrgyzstan


A new initiative, the Climate Change Dialogue Platform of Kyrgyzstan (CCDP-Kg), was kicked off with a meeting hosted by the Central Asia Mountain Partnership Hub at the University of Central Asia in Bishkek. Organized by a group led by the State Agency on Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of Kyrgyz Republic (SAEPF), the meeting was attended by 35 participants representing government ministries, civil society groups, academia and development partners who are active on climate change issues.
During the meeting, Sabir Atadjanov, Director of the State Agency on Environmental Protection and Forestry encouraged participatory processes and multi-stakeholder engagement in climate-related activities. “Environmental problems can be effectively solved and emerging opportunities can be better used when government and civil society join efforts to achieve economic prosperity, social justice and environmental sustainability,” he said.
Following his opening remarks, Jyparkul Bekkulova, Head of the Strategic Planning Department of the SAEPF,  briefed the participants on the climate-related activities of the Kyrgyz government and latest initiatives. Zuhra Abaihanova, Secretary of the National Climate Coordination Committee, shared some lessons learned on institutionalizing the multi-stakeholder engagement and has affirmed the growing need for participatory processes. Upon elaborating on past practices, together with the participants, she reviewed the rationale and value-added benefits of the new initiative and introduced the mission, goals and objectives for the platform, the modus operandi and its status as the working body under the inter-ministerial National Coordination Committee on Climate Change, roles and accountability mechanisms.

Meeting participants expressed concerns about the effectiveness of climate interventions for local communities and the inadequacy of target group specific communication and outreach work. Capacity support work has been prioritized by many concerned participants. 
Elbegzaya Batjargal of the Central Asia Mountain Partnership Hub, briefed the audience on Kyrgyzstan's planned engagement at several high level side events taking place at UNFCCC COP-20 in Lima, Peru, in early December 2014.  
Calling for the active engagement of all parties committed to working on climate change issues, the organizers of the kick-off meeting agreed to hold a second meeting in early October 2014 to present the work plan and final version of the concept note.

The CCDP-Kg is a multi-stakeholder partnership platform focused on the complex topic of climate change. Participation is open to interested parties and stakeholders engaged in climate work with the aim of building effective communication and dialogue.

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Photos: Alma Karsymbek

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