
Andean countries prepare for a regional mechanism


Spanning some 7 500 km across Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and part of Venezuela, the Andes foster a way of life for more than 82 million people. The lives and livelihoods of the people in these communities may be even more intertwined as a result of a project, coordinated by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), in which a regional coordination mechanism is being developed by six of the Andean countries. This initiative recognizes that the economic, social and environmental vulnerability of mountain ecosystems requires integrated management to improve the quality of life for residents.

“The Andes, an opportunity for integration and development in South America”, a 126-page publication written under the coordination of Francisco Mendoza of FAO, covers the main aspects of the project – from the national assessments to the common regional elements   and the opportunities offered by the Mountain Partnership for promoting a better regional cooperation. It contributes to the consolidation of a regional mechanism, composed of national mountain committees, whose purpose is to protect the Andes while also pursuing social and economic  development.

The book closes with recommendations on consolidating the national committees and the regional mechanism; identifying a process for the mountain committees to implement their action plans; and involving academia, local governments, the private sector and civil society in the process.

The regional mechanism aims to step up dialogue and more coordinated efforts among governments and organizations dedicated to sustainable development in mountain ecosystems. “This dialogue,” explains  Eduardo Rojas, FAO Assistant Director General, in the Preface, “is aimed at encouraging specific public policies to improve food security, alleviate poverty and maintain the natural resource base and flow of ecosystem services, while respecting the rich culture of the highland communities.

The six South American governments forming the mechanism - Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru - all belong to the Mountain Partnership.

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