
The Alps and the Ardennes share experiences


A workshop strengthened the connection between two mountain areas in the heart of Europe - the Alps and the Ardennes. International, national, regional and local authorities, the scientific community and other individuals interested in sustainable mountain development gathered for “The Alps and the Ardennes: experience sharing between bordering mountain areas” in Sedan, France, on 15-16 September 2014.

The Italian Presidency of the Alpine Convention 2013-2014 in cooperation with the University of Reims and the Natural Regional Park of Ardennes organized the international seminar that was open to the public. The group shared their experiences on international cooperation in mountain areas, in particular on legal and institutional matters; the development of mountain areas at cross-border and interregional level; cooperation in the protection of nature and landscape; and new opportunities for the Ardennes in the renewed European Programming 2014-2020.

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Photo: FAO/Richard Slaby

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