
A tool for sharing mountain management practices


Ev-K2-CNR and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat will launch a Federation of Mountain Protected Areas (FMPA), which is open to Mountain Partnership members who would like to participate.

The Federation will use an online tool that aims to support mountain protected areas around the world by facilitating the flow of information; the exchange of good practices, knowledge and experiences; the implementation of instructions and directives and the sharing of successful management guidelines.

The FMPA will be accessible on the internet and used by park staff, institutional and local community managers and others engaged in the management of Mountain Protected Areas. The platform will allow for the sharing of best practices and experiences.

“A need to share approaches, research, methodologies and results among different geographic and social realities has been identified to ensure the sustainable management of mountain protected areas,” said Thomas Hofer, Mountain Partnership Secretariat Coordinator.

The platform will provide:

  • updated findings and best practices on MPAs and related management;

  • a network of experts operating in MPA management for the different environmental and socioeconomic sectors to contact;

  • forums on different topics to share experiences and to collaborate on common projects;

  • information on key management documents and publications;

  • information on key events concerning MPAs;

  • information on funding opportunities for MPAs activities; and

  • an advocacy platform to support the needs of MPAs at institutional level.

Organizations that would like to join the Federation and share good management practices for mountain protected areas through this platform may contact [email protected], preferably before 5 November 2014. The FMPA will be launched at the IUCN World Park Congress in Sydney, Australia, on 12-19 November 2014.

Mountain protected areas help to preserve mountain ecosystems whose goods and services are essential to both highland and lowland communities. Read more


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