
Evidence-based assessments of mountain areas


The Mountain Research Initiative requests your help in identifying recent evidence-based assessments of mountain areas that address, directly or indirectly, sustainable mountain development (SMD). By "evidence-based assessment" we mean "based on data". By "sustainable mountain development" we mean that the data have something to do with environmental, social or economic capital.

To give you a sense of what we are looking for, please look at 1) the baseline study of the Naryn Oblast in the Kyrgyz Republic, conducted by the University of Central Asia and 2) the Sustainability Indicators of Food and Agricultural Systems published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Your replies will help frame a session “Current assessments of Sustainable Mountain Development” and roundtables “Guidelines for Future Assessments of Sustainable Mountain Development” and “Assessment of sustainable mountain development:Measures of social and economic capital” at Perth III, Mountains of Our Future Earth that focus on assessments of sustainable mountain development.

Please send your replies to [email protected] by 19 Dec 2014 

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Photo:Flickr/Joe Dunckley

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