
Update on Mountain Protected Areas


The Mountain Protected Areas Network has issued the eighty-eighth edition of its newsletter, called “UPDATE”. Edited by Dr Lawrence Hamilton, the newsletter summarizes key updates and news on mountain protected areas from across the globe. A global network of over 450 mountain experts devoted to preserving and protecting the precious mountain regions of the world contributes to and receives the newsletter. The current issue, divided into 19 sections, covers a wide range of issues.

The opening story is about the nomination of Sacred Groves of the Zagori Region in Greece for Intangible Cultural Heritage status for its spiritual and cultural value. In the Himalayan country of Nepal, The Mountain Institute (TMI) is partnering with International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) to undertake a post-earthquake assessment of potentially dangerous glacial lakes to determine the damage caused by the earthquake which struck Nepal in the May 2015. Another item invites experts to share knowledge on the World Heritage sites for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) World Heritage Outlook which provides global assessment on the state of conservation of natural heritage.

The newsletter reports that Natura 2000 of the European Union and IUCN are making progress on establishing The Great Mountain Corridor, connecting the Cantabrian Mountains to the Alps to contribute to the EU target of establishing green infrastructure and restoring degraded ecosystems to maintain and enhance ecosystem services.

A study on Mount Cameroon shows that biodiversity conservation and economic development can have compatible goals by strengthening participation of local people into planning process. Successful conservation efforts require the involvement of local communities in the decision-making process of protected areas to promote policies that improve livelihoods while protecting biodiversity.

The 18-page publication concludes with brief updates as well as lists recent publications and events on several aspects of protected areas.

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