
Apply for Green Climate Fund observer status


The application process for accreditation as an observer organization to the Green Climate Fund is currently open. Civil society organizations (CSOs), private sector organizations (PSOs) and international entities (IEs), wishing to obtain observer status, are invited to apply in order to attend the fourteenth meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund, to be held in October 2016. Only accredited observer organizations may designate representatives to attend meetings of the Board.

This round of accreditation will be the last round for the year of 2016. Applications for accreditation as an observer organization should be submitted by Tuesday, 16 August 2016, 18.00 KST (UTC+09.00) to the following address: [email protected]

Accreditation status will be granted upon successful completion of the form following the process outlined here. Additional details, including submission guidelines, are available below:

I. Eligibility

Observers may be representatives of:
1. States that are Party or observer State to the Convention;
2. International entities, including:
  a) United Nations agencies;
  b) Multilateral development banks;
  c) International financial institutions;
  d) Regional institutions; and
  e) Intergovernmental organizations; or
3. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) comprised of:
  a) Civil society organizations (CSOs): Any independent non-profit organizations, including international, as well as national   and community-based organizations; or
  b) Private sector organizations (PSOs): Any private companies and business associations with operations that deal with  climate change mitigation and/or adaptation activities, including in developing countries.

II. Application process for accreditation

Applications for admission as an accredited observer organization should be submitted by Tuesday, 16 August 2016, 18.00 KST (UTC+09.00), to enable processing and Board consideration in time for accreditation prior to the thirteenth meeting of the Board. Applications must be signed by the Chief Executive Officer or an authorized senior official of the submitting organization.

All documents should be sent with the title ‘11th round of observer accreditation’ via email to: [email protected] . Incomplete applications and submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

Only applications submitted in English will be accepted. However, in circumstances where supporting documents are not available in English, these documents can be submitted in other United Nations official languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish), with an executive summary in English. A translation of the full document may be requested, which may delay the accreditation process.

III. Accreditation documents

In accordance with the Guidelines relating to the observer participation, accreditation of observer organizations and participation of active observers (document GCF/B.01-13/12, annex XII), interested organizations should submit a completed and signed application form which includes the following elements:
1. Provide a brief description of the organization, its purpose and its legal status.
2. Additionally, please provide details that the organization has a well-organized administrative structure, relevant competences and experience, and can send representatives fully mandated to speak on its behalf organization.
3. Explain the potential benefit to the Fund of the organization’s engagement as an observer, including its specialized scientific or technical competences relating to the Fund.
4. Give written confirmation that the organization acknowledges the goals and basic principles of the Fund and will abide by the Board’s rules of procedures. Please attach all documentation requested in the application form.

IV. Accreditation process

Applications will be reviewed by the Secretariat, which will present complete applications, with recommendations, to the Board for a decision on whether or not to grant observer status on a no-objection basis in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Board. Once a decision is taken by the Board, applicants will be advised accordingly. The list of accredited observer organizations on the Fund’s website will be updated after the process is completed.

Deadline: Tuesday, 16 August 2016, 18.00 KST (UTC+09.00)

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Photo: Macela Fibiger

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