
Call for applicants for MRI Executive Director


The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) is calling for applications for the position of Executive Director. MRI is a multidisciplinary scientific organization that addresses global change issues in mountain regions around the world through concerted efforts, diverse communication formats and various networking events. The Executive Director manages the Coordination Office, promoting research collaboration and scientific community development in the domain of sustainable mountain development at local, regional and global levels. The responsibilities of this position include executing MRI’s current program with significant scientific guidance, monitoring MRI’s strategic environment to identify and pursue opportunities for promoting and implementing MRI’s vision, supporting the Initiative’s Science Leadership Council, managing MRI’s funding and supervising staff.

The full job description and qualifications for the position of MRI Executive Director are available on the MRI website. Interested candidates are invited to submit a full CV and letter of intent to [email protected] by 15 November 2016.

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