
1 February 2012, India: Enhancing Participation of Women in the Green Economy


On February 1, 2012, Earth Day Network, in partnership with The Energy Resources Institute (TERI), will host a day-long WAGE forum in Delhi, India. To accelerate and provide the new thinking and creative power for a global post-carbon economy, Earth Day Network is engaging women business, government and NGO leaders in its “Women and the Green Economy” (WAGE®) Campaign. WAGE® is working today to create a policy agenda for Rio+20 and generate relevant national initiatives that will promote the green economy, secure educational and job training opportunities for women and channel green investment to benefit women. Launched at the UNFCCC 16th Conference of the Parties in Cancun, Mexico in December, 2010, the WAGE® Campaign is actively creating a road map for women to aggregate their power and promote their leadership in creating a sustainable green economy and mitigating climate change.

Photo (c) hdptcar / Flickr

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