
Workshop on monitoring the effects of climate change in protected mountain ecosystems


Through REDPARQUES and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat and with support from GIZ, FAO organized a "Workshop on monitoring the effects of climate change on mountain protected ecosystems" together with the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the University for International Cooperation and the Development Bank in Latin America, The workshop was held in Santiago (Chile) from 19 to 21 March 2012. The overall objective was to analyze the current forms of monitoring existing protected areas in mountain regions (APZM) in order to improve environmental management so as to ensure the conservation of biodiversity, water, glaciers in the face of climate change as well as to promote joint activities related to monitoring the effects of climate change and facilitate cooperation between managers of protected areas in the mountains. Summary and final reports of the workshop are available in Spanish.

Photo (c) brklynnovember / Flickr


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