
Workshop on Best Practices for Partnerships Considers Options for Rio+20


A “Workshop on Partnerships Best Practices and their contributions to Rio+20” will be held on 14 December 2011 at UN Headquarters in New York, US. It was convened as an initial discussion regarding the format that could be used for the “partnerships forum” that UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution A/C.2/66/L.59 indicates should be convened in parallel with UNCSD. Approximately 60 participants, from UN Missions and government agencies, UN agencies, existing partnerships and NGOs attended the workshop, which was organized by the UNCSD Secretariat. Among other topics, participants outlined the elements of successful partnerships, including having: a clear objective and an identified solution to achieve it; the right people in the partnership to achieve the objective; and the right governance structure, which allows all partners to be heard. Transparency, accountability, equity and leadership were also emphasized as key components to partnerships.


Photo (c) United Nations Photos / Flickr

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