
Mountains in UN: “Harmony with Nature” Event


To mark International Mother Earth Day, the United Nations General Assembly held an interactive dialogue on harmony with nature on 18 April 2012 at UN Headquarters to examine how human activity has affected the regenerative capacity of the planet. “As we get closer to Rio+20, we must keep the Earth in full view when making decisions and taking actions shifting from a self-centered to an Earth-centered approach,” Mr Sha told participants. “Our success and wealth must be measured by the balance we create between ourselves and the world around us; that is, by our ability to live in harmony with nature.” Active Remedy Ltd., a recent member of the Mountain Partnership, have formulated a method for doing this. It is a combination of several modern and traditional conservation techniques that address the diverse requirements of this challenging task. Read their statement: “Unlike resources such as coal, oil and gas, the fresh water system is a renewable and regenerative one. It has the ability of being replenished. Nonetheless this cycle is utterly dependent upon indigenous mountain forests and plants. The principal is to create many community managed forest patches, within close proximity to mountain communities and to link these with green corridors...”  



Photo (c) rock&rm / Flickr

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