
Mountains at Rio+20: the Mountain Pavilion


The Peruvian Government has taken the initiative of organizing a Mountain Pavilion at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20. The Mountain Pavilion will be held at the Athletes’ Park, between 13 and 24 June 2012, and open to the general public between 13 and 18 June from 11 to 19 hours. The Mountain Partnership Secretariat received an official invitation to join forces in organizing the stand and involving members. This initiative was very well received and official letters were sent to each Mountain Partnership member, inviting them to participate in the Third Global Assembly of the Mountain Partnership on Tuesday 19 June 2012 and to submit side events proposals to be held in the Mountain Pavilion. If you have concrete proposals for activities to be hosted at the Mountain Pavilion or you are willing to provide financial or another kind of support, please contact the Organizing Committee in writing at [email protected]  before 10 May 2012.

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