
Training on Rapid Rural Appraisal


The Mountain Partnership Central Asia Hub (MPCA) and MSRC/UCA held a one-day introductory training on Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) techniques on April 27, 2012. The objective of the training was to provide participants with an introduction to RRA and its key methodological principles, as well as to familiarize participants with the RRA “tool kit” of research methods.

 As part of the MP Central Asia Hub’s work supporting member capacity, the training was aimed at MP members active in Kyrgyzstan. In attendance were 25 participants from the MP member organizations representing both government and non-governmental institutions.

Ms. Ailey Hughes, a visiting researcher with MSRC/UCA, led the training, which included both theoretical information on RRA and practical exercises on the application of some of these tools.

The manual used for the training, Tree and Land Tenure: Rapid Appraisal Tools, by Karen Schoonmaker Freudenberger, which was originally published by FAO, was translated into Russian, re-formatted, and printed by UCA under a cooperative publishing agreement.  The manual will be made available as a free download at the UCA/MSRC website (  

The Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) is a family of methodologies designed to encourage the participation of local communities in collection and use of information to improve their livelihoods. This qualitative research methodology can be used in three ways: 1) to gather general information about a topic; 2) to gather in-depth information about a particular subject; and 3) as a monitoring and evaluation tool.


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