
Countries of the Andean Community approved the Andean Environmental Agenda 2012-2016


Countries of the Andean Community (Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia) approved the Andean Environmental Agenda for the period 2012-2016 during the VI Ordinary Meeting of the Andean Council of the Ministers of Environment and Sustainable Development, held on April 10th 2012.

The objective of the Andean Environmental Agenda 2012-2016 is to guide joint activities for the coordination of community policies and strategies which contribute to improve environmental management and sustainable (*) development in harmonious way with nature, deepening the integration process and strengthening national and sub regional capacities on environmental issues. The guiding elements of the Andean Environmental Agenda are:  a systemic approach, the sub regional dimension, contributing to the strengthening of the national environmental agendas, promoting synergies and avoiding duplication of efforts in the sub region, promoting strategic alliances and optimizing resources from technical cooperation.

The Andean Environmental Agenda covers three themes: biodiversity, climate change and water resources, each one of them contain lines of action and activities for the period 2012-2016.  The general director of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community, Santiago Cembrano, mentioned that the Environmental Agenda has been developed based on lessons learned from the previous agenda (2006-2010).

At the same time, (during the VI Ordinary Meeting) the Action Plan of the Andean Strategy for Integrated Water Resources Management, was approved too. Cembrano explained that it is a guiding and planning tool at the short, medium and long-term for institutional and social actors of the member countries of the Andean Community. "Its objective is to promote joint actions for development, sustainability and strengthening of the Integrated Water Resources Management into the member countries of the Andean Community," he said. Cembrano noted that the Andean Strategy for Integrated Water Resources Management was approved through Decision 763 in August 2011.

(*)The original text uses the words sostenible/sustentable explaining the differences.

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