
Call for papers: FLEGT/VPA workshop - Ghana


The ACP-FLEGT Support Programme in partnership with the Forestry Commission of Ghana and the EFI EU FLEGT Facility, is soliciting papers for a regional workshop on “Experiences from the FLEGT/VPA process in West and Central African countries”, which will be held from 23 to 25 October 2012 in Accra, Ghana. The major objective of the workshop is to bring together government authorities, civil society organizations, private sector organizations, professionals, researchers and technicians involved in the implementation of the FLEGT/VPA process in West and Central Africa to share and discuss experiences and lessons learned from 7 main thematic areas of the FLEGT/VPA process. To date VPAs were signed in Ghana, Cameroon, Liberia, Republic of Congo and Central African Republic and more are still negotiating (Gabon and DRC).


The deadline for abstract submission is 22 June 2012


Photo (c) George Appiah / Flickr

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