
Kyrgyzstan presented the National Environmental Report


State Agency on environment protection and forestry of Kyrgyz Republic (SAEP) has presented the National Environmental Report for 2006-2011.

The report was developed by the agency, jointly with Kyrgyz Statistics Office and other state ministries, under the support of UNDP-UNEP Poverty-Environment Initiative  to provide access to high-quality information on the state of the environment in Kyrgyzstan.

 The report shows up the current trends in the environment across the whole country and provides the analysis of the latest data on air pollution, ozone layer depletion, climate change, water resources, biodiversity, land, agriculture, energy sector, transport and waste.

According to the Agency’s press release, the report contributes to the national process of RIO+20 outputs implementation and has been developed in compliance with international standards, as well as officially approved by the Kyrgyz officials.

Speaking at the launch event, Sabir Atadjanov, the Head of SAEP, noted that the National Environmental Report is fundamental for setting environmental policy, as facts-based research, information and analysis are needed to develop an evidence base for making good decisions. According to Atadjanov, from now on, the report will be updated every three years.

It is expected that the report will attract the attention of decision makers and the public to the existing ecological problems and create better understanding of the nexus ‘environment-poverty’, as well as serve as an important context for national- level policies on socio-economic development, achieving Millennium Development Goals and promoting Green economy.

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