
MRD: Call for papers on "Land Acquisition in Mountains: Implications for Sustainable Development"


In recent years, large-scale land acquisition by private and public investors has been a dynamic and much debated trend, often triggering extensive land use changes. From a mountain community perspective, it is timely to explore whether this trend and debate have any relevance to sustainable mountain development and if so, how to tackle the challenges involved and learn from good practices. MRD seeks articles presenting novel and sound scientific findings about the specific characteristics, processes, extent, and impacts of large-scale land acquisition taking place in mountains; well-validated experiences in dealing with the impacts of land acquisition in mountains; or policy- and practice-oriented insights into effective approaches to governing external investment in land.


The due date for submission of full papers is 15 Feb 2013.


For further details, download the full call for papers at:


Read about the journal’s section policies, guidelines and submission procedure at:


Photo (c) Ian BC North / Flickr

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