
50 chefs and producers sign Andorra's manifesto for the future of mountain cuisine


Over 50 chefs and producers signed a manifesto for the future of mountain cuisine. Presented at the second edition of Andorra Taste, held on 13–17 September 2023, the manifesto aims to raise awareness of the problems affecting mountain areas. Document signatories commit to protecting mountains' natural environments and their inhabitants.

The manifesto outlines reasons why the protection of mountain ecosystems is important. The future of food requires a shift towards sustainable development and a systemic vision of the social environment. Food systems of mountain societies have ancestral knowledge that could help prepare for future food needs. The manifesto also includes the fact that mountain people are custodians of biodiversity and sustainable ecosystems. It goes on to present actions that mountain chefs can take to collaborate and protect mountain ecosystems. Chefs can play a critical role in preserving mountain cuisines and traditions.

Andorra Taste is an international event focused on high-mountain cuisine. It brings together professionals from multiple disciplines to learn more about gastronomy at higher elevations. The event is organized by Andorra Turisme and Vocento Gastronomía to showcase Andorra's unique cuisine and relationship with France and Spain.

Sign the manifesto

Read the news originally published by Andorra Taste

Photo: ©Patricia Quillacq

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