
Call for case studies, publication on best practices for climate change solutions in mountains


The past year marked a turning point for the mountain agenda on climate change. Mountains were recognized in the COP 28 stocktake document, and the first-ever dialogue on mountains and climate change took place at SBSTA 60 in Bonn.

To build on this momentum, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat seeks your contributions for a publication showcasing successful adaptation, mitigation and resilience efforts in mountain regions.

We invite you to submit a case study abstract (max 1 page) by 19 July 2024 to [email protected].

Case studies should focus on:

  • best practices for adaptation and/or mitigation in mountain areas
  • solutions addressing climate change impacts on mountain communities and ecosystems (innovative, traditional and local approaches
  • role of youth, women and local communities in developing new or adapting traditional methodologies

Selected applicants will be notified by 1 August 2024 and requested to submit a full case study (up to 1 000 words) by 6 September 2024 with high-quality images.

All contributors will be acknowledged in the publication.

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