
Call for mountain photographs for IMD


Send us your mountain photos. We are seeking pictures that show local mountain culture. You could submit portraits of mountain peoples or spontaneous shots of individuals engaging in traditional activities, festivals or everyday mountain life. The photographs will be used to promote International Mountain Day (IMD), which is 11 December.

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat plans to use the pictures in promotional materials, such as fact sheets, web news and social media posts, as was the picture above, taken by Alma Karsymbek of Kyrgyzstan and used in the IMD 2014 campaign.

The theme for IMD 2016 is “Mountain Cultures: celebrating diversity and strengthening identity”. The concepts of traditional heritage, culture and spirituality are intrinsically linked with mountains. Where people live often influences the traditional lifestyle and determines employment and subsistence. Many mountain areas host ancient indigenous communities that possess and maintain precious knowledge, traditions and languages.

By submitting photographs you confirm that the images are lawfully yours and you retain full copyright discretion. When you give the photo you agree and affirm that the FAO/IMD will have the right to use it any time and in any manner excluding commercial. Photographers will be credited by name.

Along with photos, please send captions describing the place or activity depicted.

Please send high resolution files (at least 300 dpi) in jpg or tiff format to [email protected] with 'photos for IMD and the name of the country where they were taken' by 31 July 2016. 

The United Nations General Assembly designated 11 December “International Mountain Day” in 2003. It has been observed every year since to bring attention to the importance of mountains, highlight the opportunities and constraints in mountain development and build alliances that will bring positive change to mountain peoples and environments around the world.

Celebrate with us!

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