
Agro-ecology training in mountains of Morocco


Migrations & Développement started a project to train a network of farmers in southern Morocco in the ways of agro-ecology. To resolve two of the challenges that farmers in rural areas of the Moroccan Mountains are facing, namely poverty and the harsh living conditions, and environmental degradation due to climate change, this project aims to develop and disseminate agro-ecological practices. These are a set of agricultural practices, inspired by nature and rural skills, which allow obtaining favourable conditions for healthy and sustainable agriculture.

Based on the implementation of three pilot plots in the rural communities of Assais, Askaoun and Arbaa Sahel, over 60 farmers, men and women, from these towns will receive training adapted to their needs and to the realities of their territories. These pilot plots serve both field training and experimentation. Thereafter, they will be used to transmit agro-ecological practices to other farmers of the region. The farmers will learn to produce their own compost, make natural fertilizers and insecticides, prepare seedlings, rotate crops, techniques of pruning and grafting...

The beneficiaries of this training will include 60 farmers trained in the techniques of agro-ecology, including the three farmers and owners of the pilot plots and at least 120 other farmers aware of agro-ecology.

The project has been active since late 2015 in the rural town of Assaisse (village of Ait Ssine) and Arbaa Sahel (village Taghzoute) Regions Souss Massa Draa and Tafilafet, Morocco. New projects will begin in September 2016 in the rural town of Askaoun (village Tamsksit) and in the regions Souss Massa Draa and Tafilafet, Morocco.


In a context where the model of conventional agriculture shows considerable limitations, our approach is to maintain and enhance mountainous areas of southern Morocco and protect the environment by building alternatives based on a renewed relationship between man, his land and nature. Our approach promotes the development of environmentally friendly modes of lives.

• Train at least 60 farmers in agro-ecology practices so they can put them into practice in their farms ;
• Educate at least 120 other farmers to agro-ecology practices that enhance knowledge, know-how and ancestral agricultural activities; and 
• Establish three pilot plots with agro-ecological production system.

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