
Call for papers: geohazards susceptibility mapping for land use planning and risk management


The Journal of Maps is inviting submissions for an article collection on geohazards and their susceptibility mapping for land use planning and risk management. Contributions concerning (but not limited to) analytical approaches, methods comparisons, case studies and land planning/civil protection are welcome. Multidisciplinary approaches and the use of open source tools are greatly appreciated.

The impacts to geohazards (landslides, debris flows, avalanches, etc.) are various. They can endanger human life, economic activities and infrastructure. Buildings can be partially or completely affected. The analysis of their potential occurrence is of great help for land planners and risk managers. While defining civil protection plans or designing mitigation actions, the data can improve land management by focusing technicians' attention on areas featuring the highest proneness to geohazards. Therefore, their representation on maps can improve the understanding of the phenomena and its potential impact on the studied area, allowing a further refinement of land management thanks to the potential of GIS and other mapping and map-based analysis tools.

Danilo Godone of the Italian National Research Council – Research Institute for Hydrogeological Prevention and Protection, a member of the Mountain Partnership, is one of the article collection guest advisors.

All manuscripts submitted to this article collection will undergo a full peer-review. The deadline for submitting manuscripts is 30 August 2024.

Please contact Agnes Zhou at [email protected] with any queries.

Read the full call for papers 

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