
Local government action in Panama mountains


In order to implement the pilot test of local urban indicators of the global campaign ‘Making Cities Resilient: My City is Getting Ready’, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) - the regional office for the Americas, and the Municipality of Bugaba, Panama, held a workshop on 9-10 March 2016. The event, organized within the framework of cooperation between the office of the UNISDR and the city of Bugaba, was attended by civil societies, township representatives, government institutions, academic and research centres and members of the privates sector.

The local urban indicators are a tool to collect various information and data. This provides a snapshot of how the city is doing in relation to disaster resilience. The tool can also highlight the areas of strength and the key challenges that the city is facing in terms of disaster resilience and disaster risk reduction (DRR), and how to address the problems that are identified through an action plan and strategy.

La Amistad National Park, designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is located in the municipality of Bugaba. On the border with Costa Rica, the property covers large tracts of the highest and wildest non-volcanic mountain range in Central America and is a large conservation area that measures 221 000 hectares on the Panamanian side. Within the Baru Volcano National Park, with an area of 14 322.5 hectares, the Baru Volcano massif stands at 3 474 metres, the highest point in the country.

Bugaba has the largest production of vegetables nationwide – enabled by fertile soils that allow for agricultural diversification and the variety of its climates, from lowlands to highlands.

News by Alberto Pascual of Fundacion CoMunidad

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