
Latest newsletter from the Mount Kenya Trust


The Mount Kenya Trust shares news of its recent events and initiatives in the latest edition of “Mountain Dispatches”, the Mount Kenya Trust’s quarterly newsletter. Covering news from January through March 2017, the newsletter opens with a message from Executive Officer Susie Weeks, who explains that despite drought conditions having been declared in Kenya, the Mount Kenya Trust has been able to continue working effectively and hold two successful events in February and March. “The Fly540 10to4 Mountain Bike Challenge and the Trust's second Three Peaks Climb were a great hit with participants and collectively raised over 7.5 million Kenyan shillings (KES) [US$72 560] for the Trust's projects and operations,” said Weeks.

The second Three Peaks Climb raised over KES 1 million, or $9 670, for the Mount Kenya Horse Patrol Team, who protects an area of the northern moorlands that is a hotspot for poaching and illegal resource extraction. Led by guides from the company African Ascents, 11 climbers successfully summited two of Mount Kenya’s three peaks. The third peak, Batian, could not be summited due to icy conditions. The Mount Kenya Trust also announced the dates for next year’s climb: the third Three Peaks Climb will take place on 5-7 March 2018.

Nearly 250 people participated in the Fly540 Mountain Bike Challenge. The event raised over KES 6.1 million, or $62 840, for the Mount Kenya Trust’s social and environmental projects. "It's really important to make people aware of the fact that Mount Kenya is a water tower for all Kenyans," said Don Smith, Chief Executive of Fly540, the 10to4 Mountain Bike Challenge's title sponsor since 2013. "The 10to4 is a lifeline for everyone, and the Mount Kenya Trust helps to protect it for our future generations."

In other news, the Mount Kenya Trust, Kenya Forest Service and Rhino Ark have been working together to respond to wildfires burning on the western side of Mount Kenya. There, high winds and dry vegetation allow even small fires to spread quickly and fiercely. A fire management meeting will be held to assess the situation of fire outbreaks, firefighting equipment and government law enforcement.

Read about these stories and others in the latest edition of Mountain Dispatches and see photos of the Mount Kenya Trust’s activities.

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Photo: Mount Kenya Trust

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