
Course on mountain ecosystems to open


A new online course on mountain ecosystems and water management will begin on 13 September 2017. The course, titled “Ecosistemas de montaña y gestión del agua”, is organized by the Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional (UCI) together with the development agency ProalSUR, under the auspices of the Mountain Partnership. The objective of this new course is to introduce the basic elements of mountain ecosystems, including their characteristics and importance, to develop participants’ capacities to incorporate mountain ecosystems into local and regional territorial development processes.

The general contents of the course will include:
• An introduction to mountain ecosystems: the basic concepts;
• Developing and sharing multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary approaches to mountain ecosystems;
• Cultural and identity considerations for understanding mountain ecosystems; and
• Water governance in mountain ecosystems and the close interdependence between mountain communities and "downstream" cities, in contrast to the conservation and sustainable use of water.

“Ecosistemas de montaña y gestión del agua” will begin on 13 September and last until 10 October. The 40-hour course will take place entirely online. For more information, contact [email protected].

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Photo: Roberto Ramos Monge

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