
Andean monitoring systems in Colombia


Understanding the effects of transformation processes, such as climate change and the change of coverage and use of land, over biodiversity and ecosystem services in mountains, at different altitudes is the key to informed decision making in managing natural resources.

The workshop "Diversity and functioning of high Andean ecosystems of Colombia in scenarios of environmental change: Towards an integrated monitoring system" was held in Bogotá from July 11 – 12 2018. The event was organized by the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM) and the Research Institute of Biological Resources Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH) in Bogotá, Colombia, in association with the Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion - CONDESAN and the University of Leicester.

Through the workshop, the promoters sought to evaluate the scope and lessons learned from existing monitoring experiences. Special emphasis was given to the Andean Networks that operate under the coordination of CONDESAN: 1) Gloria – Andes: impacts of climate change on high mountain biodiversity through long-term observation, 2) iMHEA: Hydrological Monitoring Initiative of Andean Ecosystems; and 3) The Andean Forest Network: which promotes long-term research and encourages collaboration and capacity building among actors.

These networks establish cooperation mechanisms inside and outside the Andean Region with academics, technicians and decisionmakers on specific themes. They allow to validate common methodologies in order to generate sound knowledge to help address  environmental changes in the Andean ecosystems and how mitigation, adaptation and control actions can provide solutions. To date, they have managed to establish permanent monitoring sites throughout the Andes, define common research protocols, generate regional information for the decision making processes at different scales and developed partnerships and collaboration mechanisms among the different actors dealing with  environmental issues in the Andes.

During the workshop, panelists from public sector agencies, academia and civil society, explored opportunities to articulate existing monitoring efforts in high Andean ecosystems in Colombia, as well as gaps in information that should be considered in the integrated monitoring proposal. The importance of this type of approach was mentioned, especially in the framework of the Colombian peace process, where it will be even more relevant to understand the impact of public policies on high Andean ecosystems and the services they provide. 

This will require integrating variables that characterize factors of change such as agricultural uses and climate change and the responses of ecosystems in terms of diversity, structure and spatial distribution. In addition, the need to monitor processes at different scales and their effects was emphasized. Finally, a key challenge for the sustainability of an integrated monitoring system is to achieve effective participation of both local communities and other users of information in the monitoring cycle.

As an outcome, it is expected that previous experience of the monitoring networks, together with a local participatory construction process, will allow the creation of an Integrated Monitoring System of High Andean Ecosystems for Colombia that can serve as a true roadmap for the generation of the information needed for decision making in the managing process of these valuable ecosystems. 

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News by Ana Carolina Benítez/CONDESAN

Photo by Institute of Regional Ecology of the University of Tucuman

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