
Call for Applications on the Hindukush Himalaya


The Global Development Network (GDN), together with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Oxfam, GIZ India, UN Environment and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) opens a Call of Expressions of Interest for researchers working on projects in the HinduKush Himalaya sub region and downstream countries (South and Southeast Asia) to participate in Lima Adaption Knowledge Initiative.

Lima Adaption Knowledge Initiative is a joint action pledge, under the Nairobi Work Programme, between the UNFCCC secretariat and UN Environment through GAN and its regional networks. The Knowledge to Action Lab will take place from 20-21 November 2018 in New Delhi, India, and will focus specifically on the challenges and opportunities to link, on one hand, adaptation research and, on the other, implementation knowledge and data in the context of projects funded by multilateral and bilateral climate funds focusing on upstream-downstream interactions. Adaptation efforts financed by the different investment banks, the private sector, and global climate funds are consistently in need of data, information and knowledge to encourage adequate adaptation. The proposition of the Lab is that close interaction between researchers and implementers working on adaptation can significantly strengthen both adaptation action and research agendas on adaptation.

A closed number of participants will be selected on a competitive basis to take part in the Lab, by GDN, ICIMOD, Oxfam, GIZ India, UNFCCC and UN Environment. Selected researchers will be matched with ‘knowledge users’ and selected climate finance institutions and actors, identified and nominated by the organizers based on the focus of the submissions received, to participate in the Lab on 20-21 November in New Delhi, India. Financial assistance may be available for some of the selected candidates from developing countries to attend to the Knowledge to Action Lab. For more information on the Lab, please find attached the concept note.

Should you have any enquiries please contact [email protected]

Fill in the online application form before 12 October 2018 at 23:59 (IST).

Photo by Christian Barrette/ Flickr

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