
Call for mountain biodiversity research


Antoine Guisan at the University of Lausanne has launched several PhD and Post-Doc positions. 

PhD position in Spatial Planning for Biodiversity Conservation

To complete its team, the Institute of Earth Surface Dynamic of the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, invites applications for a PhD position in spatial planning for biodiversity conservation. Note that both French and English are required for this position. Deadline for application: 18.05.2019. 


PhD position in Soil Microbial Biogeography and Spatial Modelling

To complete its team, the Spatial Ecology group at the University of Lausanne (ECOSPAT lab), Switzerland, and invites applications for a PhD position in soil microbial biogeography and spatial modelling. Deadline for application: 24.05.2019


Post-Doc position in Soil Microbial Biogeography and Spatial Modelling

To complete its team, the Spatial Ecology group at the University of Lausanne (ECOSPAT lab), Switzerland, invites applications for a post-doc position in soil microbial biogeography and spatial modelling. Deadline for application: 24.05.2019. 


Post-Doc position in Spatial Modelling in Ecology & Biogeography

To complete its team, the Spatial Ecology group at the University of Lausanne (ECOSPAT lab), Switzerland, invites applications for a post-doc position in spatial modelling in ecology and biogeography. Deadline for application: 24.05.2019

News and Photo by GMBA

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