
Call for proposal for regional and global organizations


The Forest and Farm Facility is looking for apex regional (i.e. present in more than one country) and global forest and farm producers’ organizations, or consortia of such organizations, to collaborate with and support. This round of grants will focus on ways organizations can improve their service delivery to their national or local members.

We are looking for proposals that show how the regional/global organization will support their members in:

  •  Promoting or influencing for more inclusive governance and cross-sectorial processes
  • Improving their capacity for increased entrepreneurship, access to markets and finance, and business development services
  •  Improving delivery of landscape scale mitigation, adaptation and resilience for climate change
  •  Enhancing their capacity for improved and equitable access to social and cultural services.

The grants will be up to USD 75,000 for one year. There will be one grant for a regional organization based in Africa, one in Asia and one in Latin America. In addition, there will be one grant for an international association representing indigenous peoples.

The Forest and Farm Facility will only consider international or regional (i.e. active in more than one country) smallholder, women, community and Indigenous Peoples networks, or alliances of forest forums, forest and farm producer organisations, associations or forest user groups as eligible.

Deadline for submission of proposals is 1 June 2019 and proposals should be submitted to [email protected].

See the template to submit your proposal.

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News and photo by FAO Forests and Farm Facility

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