
Active family activities in rural Transylvania and the Carpathians


Asociația My Transylvania’s latest ongoing project is the ”Musai Experience”, a low-impact recreational initiative taking place in the Romanian Carpathian Mountains. The word ”musai” is Romanian for ”it’s a must” or ”it’s necessary”.

At least once a month, from April until December, the organization will hold a Musai Experience event targeting both children and adults. The series of events will include sports, yoga and mindfulness, camping, crafts, picnics, culinary and agricultural workshops, and sharing meals with the locals.

Ana Pârvulescu from Asociația My Transylvania explains, ”The core of the whole concept is slow living: spending a joyful weekend hearing the birds singing and the sheep’s bell ringing; smelling the freshly mowed grass; tasting the local, seasonal, authentic food; and feeling that the eternity was made in the villages.”

The Musai Experience lasts for the entire weekend. On Saturday, participants take part in at least one of five outdoor challenges, such as mountain biking, hiking, trail running and foraging for mountain mushrooms. The sports activities are followed by afternoon Do It Yourself (DIY) workshops, where participants learn, for example, how to make cheese. Saturday nights are for connecting with the local community over dinner.

The organization intends to pave the future of mountains through educating the public and children about mountains and teaching mountain communities about sustainable small-scale agriculture and tourism.

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Photos from Asociația My Transylvania – Cristian Cismaru / Gabriela Cuzepan-Bebeșelea – Fotograf

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