
Publication provides guidance on Alpine soil ecosystem services


A new publication on the importance of soil ecosystems for non-expert decision-makers has been recently published. The booklet is called “Soil ecosystem services in the Alps: An introduction for decision-makers”.

This publication presents a brief explanation of the main ecosystem services soil provides to the environment and humans within the different uses of land. It aims at raising awareness of the importance of soil and is targeted to decision-makers who are not soil experts. The booklet is currently available online in English, and will soon be made available in Italian.

Soil is the basis of Alpine ecosystems; it is a fundamental natural resource especially in the vulnerable Alpine Region. Soil management and protection is recognized in the framework of the Soil Conservation Protocol of the Alpine Convention, which is aimed at safeguarding the multifunctional role of soil based on the concept of sustainable development.

The booklet preparation was funded within the Links4Soils project, Interreg VB Alpine Space Programme. The Links4Soils project focuses on raising awareness of soils in the Alpine Region, reviewing the existing regional and national soil data, promoting efficient soil protection strategies, and transferring knowledge and best management practices to policymakers, decision-makers and other stakeholders. Links4Soils aims to overcome existing gaps in soil awareness, information, knowledge and networking and to contribute to better implementation of the Alpine Convention Soil Protection Protocol.

The Links4Soils project includes partners from Alpine countries Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Italy and France. Mountain Partnership member the University of Turin Department of Agricultural, Forest & Food Sciences (DISAFA) is a project partner. The Mountain Partnership Secretariat is an observer of this project, and is committed to sharing the project's results and main documents within and beyond the Mountain Partnership network.

Download the booklet

Read more about the Links4Soils project

News from the University of Turin

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