
Revision of the MP advocacy, communication and governance documents


All Mountain Partnership (MP) members are invited to review the revised advocacy, communication and governance documents by 15 April 2022, in view of the upcoming Global Meeting of the MP.

The MP’s foundational documents are updated every four years. The review aims to ensure the documents are adequate and relevant to address the global mountain agenda as well as the Partnership’s working modalities. The strategies will be approved at the 6th Global Meeting in Aspen, USA in September 2022.

The documents under review have been prepared by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat with the support of the Steering Committee, based on the current versions of the three documents covering the period 2018-2021: Advocacy Strategy 2018-2021, Communication Strategy 2018-2021 and Governance 2018-2021.

All MP members are invited to provide their feedback. After all comments are received, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat in consultation with the Steering Committee will compile all inputs and prepare final drafts. These will be shared with all MP members at least six weeks before the Global Meeting, where they will be discussed and adopted.

The three documents under review are as follows:

Feedback and comments should be recorded in this Excel and should not be inserted as comments on the PDF. See the instructions on how to complete the Excel file.

Inputs are sought on the overall working mechanisms/functioning of the MP as well as its vision and objectives.

To submit feedback, or for further information, contact Fabio Parisi of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat at [email protected] by 15 April 2022.

Photo: ©FAO/Roberto Cenciarelli

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