
Facing climate change in Peruvian mountains


Climate change, especially visible in mountain ecosystems, is causing glaciers to disappear at an alarming rate, threatening millions of lives dependent on freshwater resources originating from the mountains in Peru.

A bilingual publication titled Peru: Mountain Country / Facing the Challenges of Climate Change, written in English and Spanish, provides testimonies and stories about the challenges local communities are facing in these fragile ecosystems. For example, some communities are relying on their indigenous knowledge and practices to cope with a changing water supply and new climatic conditions.

Peru is home to 71 percent of the tropical glaciers in the world, which are vital for sustaining millions of livelihoods in the country as well as in the greater Andean region.

Produced by the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) of Peru, the 134- page book gives a visual journey of the stunning natural and cultural landscapes and biological diversity  of the Andean mountain regions while highlighting the key ecosystem services provided by the majestic mountains. The publication also contains a course of action to successfully face current challenges, proposing policies and efforts on several fronts and for a variety of contexts.

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