
Peru approves mountain biodiversity group


The Government of Peru approved the formation of a technical group to work on mountains as part of the country’s National Committee on Biological Diversity, or CONADIB, during a special meeting convened in San Isidro on 14 May 2015.

The Technical Group on Mountains approved by CONADIB, the body that monitors the implementation in Peru of commitments made under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and related treaties, will provide recommendations and propose ways to improve and strengthen mountain ecosystem management and implement national and international mountain-related commitments. Its functions will include:

  • assisting in the formulation of the National Action Plan on Mountains;
  • providing recommendations to improve the management and conservation of mountain ecosystems for action by CONADIB;
  • facilitating joint action and inter-sectoral coordination on issues related to mountain ecosystems;
  • promoting and fostering opportunities for discussion with various stakeholders on issues relating to the conservation and management of mountain ecosystems;
  • evaluating and proposing to CONADIB mechanisms to integrate and implement the various management tools that exist at national level (policies, plans, national and sector strategies) and have mountain ecosystem conservation activities; and
  • tracking and reviewing international, regional and sub-regional processes concerning mountains and making recommendations to CONADIB.

The technical group will comprise: a representative of the Ministry of Environment, who will preside, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Production, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, the National Water Authority, the National Service of Protected Natural Areas, the National Institute for Research in Glacier and Mountain Ecosystems, the Geophysical Institute of Peru, SENAMHI, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the National Assembly of Regional Governments, the Ministry of Culture, CONDESAN and other public or private entities.

The initial activities planned for Technical Group on Mountains are: the designation of representatives, the installation and approval of regulations for internal management and the development of a work plan.

Sustainable mountain management is a priority in the Andean country – Peru is one of the six nations that make up the Andean regional mechanism and has now formalized the creation of a national mechanism for promoting sustainable mountain development. The Government of Peru has been a member of the Mountain Partnership since its establishment in 2002.

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Photo: Flickr/khowaga1


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