
MP members support rebuilding Nepal


On 25 April 2015, a devastating earthquake stuck Nepal resulting in 9 000 deaths and injuring thousands across the country. The earthquake and its subsequent aftershocks  affected around eight million people, causing massive damage to homes, buildings and infrastructure as well as disrupting key economic sectors including agriculture, livestock and tourism.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, Mountain Partnership members in Nepal immediately took part in the emergency relief efforts providing vital support in areas ranging from fundraising and logistics to providing information portals for better coordination of the country-wide relief activities.

MP members are also actively engaged in medium to long-term rehabilitation activities developing initiatives in key sectors such as Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH),Health, Education and Agriculture.

In more than forty village development committee (VDCs) in eight districts across Nepal, members are planning and/or implementing activities aiming to rebuild communities most affected by the quake. Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC) is working with communities in numerous VDCs in five districts to build resilience through an integrated approach focusing on WASH, Health and other vital areas. The NGO also plans to support construction of community and health posts damaged by the earthquake.

Practical Action Nepal is working in two districts to help communities rebuild houses with earthquake resilient technologies. Nepal based NGOS, Pragya Seeds, Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environment Nepal and 3 Sisters Adventure Trekking are focused on supporting rebuilding programmes in two earthquake affected districts and planning activities which  aim to empower women through alternative livelihood strategies.  In addition, the Mountain Institute (TMI) and Resource Himalaya Foundation (RHF) have conducted rapid environmental assessments in several districts while the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is supporting Government of Nepal to revitalize livelihoods in earthquake affected districts.

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Photo:Flickr/EU ECHO/Pierre Prakash

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