
Camp for mudflow-affected villages in Tajikistan


The Center for Climate Change and Disaster Reduction (CCDR) with the financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), organized a Youth Summer Camp “Alast” (Renaissance) on 21-25 August  2015, for the children and youth of the recently mudflow-affected villages of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBAO) in Tajikistan.

The goal of the project was to provide a rapid emergency assistance to the mudflow-affected communities in GBAO through recreational and psychosocial support to the youth and children of the affected communities of Barsem, Kolkhozobod and Berdibekobod villages, all located in Shugnan District.

The Summer Camp was set up at the tent camp in Bogev village. It was specifically designed to support 40 children and youth to cope with the aftermath of the devastating mudflow, which occurred on 16 July 2015 in Shugnan District of GBAO, leaving the population with severe economic and social consequences. Understanding the traumatic impact of the disasters on children, CCDR rushed to provide the first support to this most vulnerable group, re-building their shattered belief in the safe and resilient future.

The Summer Camp programme included art therapy, psychosocial support, speaking out through games and activities, sports and drawings, and linking nature and humans. Volunteer partners from Youth for Mountainous Development provided their valuable support to organize the camp. All the camp participants received sports uniforms and traditional dresses as gifts.

The Youth Summer Camp enabled CCDR to support the use of education and knowledge to build a culture of safety and resilience. On the last day of the Camp the children organized a cultural program. The Deputy Chair of the Hukumat (municipality) of GBAO, Ms Orumbekova visited the Camp to express, on behalf of Hukumat, their gratitude to SDC and CCDR. All the non-food items purchased for the summer camp were handed over to the affected families located at the tent camp in Manem village, including mattresses, blankets, pillows, beddings, kitchenware and more.

For more details, please contact Ms. Svetlana A. Jumaeva, CCDR Executive Director at: [email protected]

See the photo gallery here

Photo: Carole Bestianelli

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