
Solar energy for Tajik mountain communities


Rural inhabitants of Tajikistan are particularly vulnerable to energy poverty. Factors in this are extreme weather conditions which can isolate mountain areas for several months of the year, a poorly maintained infrastructure and increasing unpredictability of the climate. The dissolution of a centralized fuels and lubricants delivery system was the main reason behind the increasing pressure on the mountainous regions’ scarce natural resources. Remote mountain villages are already facing energy problems due to lack of access to central electricity supply and shortage of available biomass, usually used for cooking and heating. These factors become the main reason for forest cutting and soil degradation.

The destruction of vegetation is leading to environmental degradation and an increased number of natural disasters and even ecological migration. Lack of essential resources escalates conflicts for available fire wood and biomass. Lack of access to services, such as power supply, affects the vital activities of local communities and reduces their ability and capacity for further development. Womenand children make up the majority of the poor and are most severely affected. Such conditions deprive their possibilities for better education, social life and individual development.

Renewable energy technologies, such as solar cookers or water heaters can help solve the pressing social and environmental problems of local communities without requiring complex gadgets or significant investment. Tajikistan has strong potential for solar energy with over 250 sunny days during the average year. For a number of years Little Earth, with support from Naturvernforbundet, has implemented small-scale energy saving projects.

Little Earth provides assistance with mobilizing local communities and integrates alternative technologies, including solar photovoltaic systems, solar cookers and solar collectors. While providing environmental sustainability, “Little Earth” aims at contributing to community development in general, as the integration of alternative autonomous energy sources and energy-saving efforts are both directly related to the reduction of poverty and improvement of social conditions.

Little Earth has learned both negative and positive lessons, but its experience shows that such technologies can significantly reduce the burden on the local environment and improve the living conditions of mountain villagers. They help to reduce the use of wood, CO2 emissions and provide an additional comfort. It is equally important that solar energy technologies not only demonstrate the advantages of the solar energy use but also spark interest and further discussions inside the communities in regard to sustainable energy solutions. Solar energy brings hope to people and literally makes their lives brighter.

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News and photo by Timur Idrisov of Little Earth

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