
Forum Carpaticum 2016 - call for abstracts


The Science for the Carpathians (S4C) initiative invites scientists, representatives from policy, economy, management, and doctoral students interested in the Carpathian Mountains to the 4th Forum Carpaticum “Future of the Carpathians: Smart, Sustainable, Inclusive” in Bucharest, Romania on 28–30 September 2016

The Carpathian Region – the Green Backbone of Europe – faces many opportunities as well as challenges to the future development of the area. The stakeholders, decision makers and research communities can use them wisely for the enhanced protection and sustainable development of the Carpathians. These overall goals meet well with the EU 2020 Cohesion Policy, which proposes “Smart”, “Sustainable” and “Inclusive” to be the keywords when addressing the main priorities for the near future. Therefore, Forum Carpaticum 2016 proposes to concentrate on these priorities and to debate how they can be implemented in the Carpathian Region, during the thematic sessions.

The FC 2016 aims to support the development of the Research Agenda for the Carpathians 2015-2020, keeping synergy with the Carpathian Convention for strengthening the sustainability of the Carpathian area.

Forum Carpaticum 2016 will have three thematic sessions:

1. The Smart Carpathians session aims to present and discuss the leading edge achievements in:

  • recent and future information and communication technologies; 
  • emerging paradigms and methodological developments; 
  • front-rank research infrastructures, capacities and innovations; 
  • open knowledge, information and data systems applications, in particular those of Carpathian interest. 

2. The Sustainable Carpathians session is expected to cover the topics that consider:

  • climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management of the Carpathian ecosystems; 
  • measures aimed at the environmental protection, efficient use of natural and cultural resources of the region; 
  • transition towards low-carbon economy; 
  • sustainable transportation networks in the Carpathian Ecoregion. 

3. The Inclusive Carpathians session is seeking contributions concerning:

  • the promotion of employment (green jobs) and support of labour mobility across the Carpathians to attain the targeted EU employment quotas; 
  • innovative approaches and solutions for empowering people and for creating sustainable job opportunities for women, youth, elders and disabled people; 
  • the challenges of overcoming poverty in the Carpathians, issues of social and territorial cohesion and social exclusion; 
  • the sustainability and enhancement of good quality education and equal access to lifelong learning - to prevent brain drain and to attract brain gain; 
  • the enhancement of institutional capacities and public administration for becoming more service- and goal oriented, implementation of the EU structural and investment funds and avoidance of overlapping responsibilities and splitting of competencies in disciplines with manifold and conflicting interests.

In addition to these key transdisciplinary topics, Forum Carpaticum 2016 welcomes other original scientific contributions from different disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields that will be presented during plenary and parallel sessions as well as workshops and posters. 

The conference programme will offer plenary and parallel sessions, workshops, and poster presentations.

You are invited to submit:

  • extended abstracts for oral presentation (up 4 000 characters including spaces), 
  • poster abstracts (up 2 000 characters including spaces).

All abstracts must be written in English and should follow the template available at the conference website.

Important dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts:    15 April 2016
Notification of abstract acceptance:        1 June 2016
Preliminary programme:                           1 July 2016
Submission of full papers:                        30 November 2016

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Romania - Elena MATEI
National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry ”Marin Drăcea”, Romania - Ovidiu BADEA
“Stefan cel Mare”, Suceava University, Romania - Marcel MÎNDRESCU 

Photo: Forum Carpaticum

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