
Early career mountain sentinels


In an effort to attract new, young minds to the Mountain Sentinels Collaborative Network, (MSCN), the Early Career Mountain Sentinels group was created which began as a brief cocktails and tapas event at Perth III in October 2015. “We were thrilled by the interest and excitement of the group, many of whom came with only a vague idea of what Mountain Sentinels meant, but with great ideas of what the group could become. In small groups, we shared our stories, learned new ones, and made new friends – two researchers sitting next to me actually discovered they work in nearby locations in the Pamirs, but had never even heard of each other! I would say the event was worth it just for that,” writes Cara Steger, PhD Student in Ecology at Colorado State University in a Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) blog entry.

The MSCN is an international and transdisciplinary group of researchers, NGOs, stakeholders and government organizations from over 50 mountain sites around the world. Its objective is to use socio-economic, political, and biophysical observations and models to engage in knowledge co-creation and coordinated practice.

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