
Central Asia mountain grant opportunity


The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is seeking proposals from organizations or teams to prepare an ecosystem profile for the Mountains of Central Asia Biodiversity Hotspot. Qualified organizations or consortia are invited to submit a proposal by 21 March 2016.

CEPF as a global joint programme of the French Development Agency, Conservation International (CI), the European Union, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan, the MacArthur Foundation, and the World Bank to civil society to safeguard the world’s biodiversity hotspots. CEPF will make one award of USD 300 000 for a team to lead a process of stakeholder consultation in the region and produce multiple documents. The key countries for consultations are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan - although consultations are also to be conducted in China and Uzbekistan. The team will rely on desk studies for Afghanistan and Turkmenistan.

CEPF will accept proposals from any qualified organization anywhere in the world, including NGOs, private consulting groups, and both public and private universities.

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Photo: CEPF/ Verkhnyaya Alaarcha, Chuy, Kyrgyzstan

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