
Mountain events in North Ossetia-Alania


The International Innovation Scientific and Technological Centre "Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories” (IISTC) is holding a series of events for the implementation of the main conclusions of "Synthesis report of the Secretary General on the post 2015 sustainable development agenda" of the UN, dated 4 December 2014, and in preparation and to carry out the Year of Ecology (2017), proclaimed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

IISTC invites scientists and specialists within the Mountain Partnership network to participate in the scientific forums outlined below.

The IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mountain Ecosystems: Priority Focus Areas of Environmental Development" will be held in September – October 2017, in accordance with the decisions made during the VIII International Scientific-Practical Conference "Science, Education, Culture and Awareness-Raising Activities - the Basis for Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories".

The draft programme of International Scientific and Practical forum for the preparation of IX Сonference and the conference itself, as well as educational activities are designed to meet the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and "Six Essential Elements for Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals" presented in the above-mentioned synthesis report of the UN Secretary-General.

Scientific-practical forums - related to SDG 15:

1. A roundtable of scientists of the International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection Sciences, NCIMM (GTU), VSC RAS, GSAU, NOSU, NCRIMPA and IISTC "Mountains".
Subject: "Rehabilitation of Degraded and Disturbed Lands in Mountain Territories for Economic Development."
Participants: scientists, teachers, graduate students and research students, heads of the administration of local government and mountain communities, entrepreneurs. (April 2016)

2. An international roundtable on "Actual Problems of the Mountain and Piedmont Territories at the Municipal Level and the Possibilities of Sustainable Development" - summing up the intermediate results of the joint project NCIMM (GTU), IISTC "Mountains" and IG RAS. (May 2016)

3. During days of NCIMM (GTU) 85th anniversary celebration:
International seminar "Engineering and Technical Sciences For Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories: Problems of Safety Development of the Tourism Potential of the Caucasus". (October 2016)

4. An international roundtable on "Natural Risks and Hazards; Preventive Measures for the Development of Mountain Territories".

5. IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mountain Ecosystems: Environmental Development Priorities" will be dedicated to the "Year of Ecology" and the 25th anniversary of the developmentthe sustainable development of mountain territories ideology in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. (September - October 2017)

Education, Enlightenment, Research - related to SDG 4:

1. The organization of a nation-wide awareness-raising initiative, involving state and regional media. (2016 – 2017)

2. The organization and implementation of research grants for students focusing on the sustainable development of mountain territories and environmental safety. (2016 – 2017)

3. Thematic programmes on national television and radio.

4. Course of lectures on sustainable development.

5. Preparation and publication of special issues of the International Scientific Journal "Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories".

6. Special issues of the newspaper "Vestnik SKGMI".

7. Implementation of the project "Actual Problems of the Mountain and Piedmont Territories at the Municipal Level and the Possibilities of Sustainable Development". (2016 – 2017)

Since 1992, eight international scientific and practical conferences on sustainable development issues have been held North Ossetia-Alania, in which more than 700 scientists and specialists from UNESCO, the Russian Federation, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Georgia, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and USA took part. About 360 reports were presented at each conference and the materials are published in separate volumes.

If interested in participating in the upcoming edition, please contact Yuriy Karaev at [email protected]

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News and photo: International Innovation Scientific and Technological Centre "Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories"


List of acronyms:

IAEMNPS - International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection Sciences
NCIMM (GTU) - North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (State Technological University)
VSC RAS - Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
GSAU - Gorsky State Agrarian University
NOSU - North Ossetian State University
NCRIMPA - North Caucasus Research Institute of Mountain and Piedmont Agriculture
IISTC - International Innovation Scientific-Technological Centre "Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories"
IG RAS - Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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