
Highlighting mountains in EU’s Horizon 2020


The European Commission has launched a public stakeholder consultation on the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020, a European Union Research and Innovation programme with nearly €80 billion of funding available for 2014-2020. The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) calls on citizens and organizations to seize the opportunity to highlight the importance of mountain research within the next Work Programmes of Horizon 2020 and assess organizational aspects of the current Framework Programme.

The questionnaire for the public stakeholder consultation can be submitted with comments and positions on Horizon 2020 implementation issues as well as on aspects for future European research orientations. MRI invites participants to link their positions and assessments to MRI’s input document with regard to the Horizon 2020 Work Programmes, published in the Strategic Research Agenda "Mountains for Europe's future".

There is also an opportunity to upload a position paper for the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020. MRI invites those interested in participating to refer to their Strategic Research Agenda "Mountains for Europe's future". The deadline to answer the questionnaire is 15 January 2017.

Read more 

Answer the Horizon 2020 questionnaire, deadline 15 January 2017 

Download the Strategic Research Agenda "Mountains for Europe's future" 

News by Mountain Research Initiative

Photo: FAO/Richard Slaby

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