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Mountain Partnership project highlighted at The World Farmers Markets Coalition Second General Assembly

Mountain Partnership project highlighted at The World Farmers Markets Coalition Second General Assembly


On 12 July 2024, industry leaders, agriculture experts and farmers gathered from around the world for an event focused on leveraging partnerships to enhance local food systems. The event featured a series of roundtable discussions aimed at identifying and forging new alliances.

The first roundtable discussion explored the challenges and opportunities...

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Water for sustainable development

Water for sustainable development


World Water Day provides us an opportunity to join our friends and colleagues from the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region and the rest of the world in creating awareness about...

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A battle on high

A battle on high


The beauty of the traditional ‘mosaic’ landscape is a strong factor drawing visitors to mountains in Europe. Due to climate warming and abandonment, this landscape capital is in sharp decline. Usually high...

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New paper on cross-sectoral policy in mountains

New paper on cross-sectoral policy in mountains


Mountain socio-ecological systems produce valuable but complex ecosystem services resulting from biomes stratified by altitude and gravity. These systems are often managed and shaped by smallholders whose marginalization is...

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Mountain communities in India discuss climate

Mountain communities in India discuss climate


The Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA) in partnership with Climate Development and Knowledge Network (CDKN), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Government of Uttarakhand organized an outreach...

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Seed grants for Himalayan collaboration

Seed grants for Himalayan collaboration


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is inviting proposals for seed grants from academic/research Institutions that are members of the Himalayan University Consortium (HUC). The...

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Mountain Research and Development issue online

Mountain Research and Development issue online


In 2015, with Future Earth and the Sustainable Development Goal activities, sustainability ranks high on the research and development agendas. Both international efforts are reflected in the orientation of Volume...

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