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Mountain Partnership project highlighted at The World Farmers Markets Coalition Second General Assembly

Mountain Partnership project highlighted at The World Farmers Markets Coalition Second General Assembly


On 12 July 2024, industry leaders, agriculture experts and farmers gathered from around the world for an event focused on leveraging partnerships to enhance local food systems. The event featured a series of roundtable discussions aimed at identifying and forging new alliances.

The first roundtable discussion explored the challenges and opportunities...

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Altai members meet Central Asia members

Altai members meet Central Asia members


Mountain Partnership members from Altai Republic, Russian Federation, visited the University of Central Asia (UCA) in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Chagat Almashev, (1st from the right on the photo), Director of Foundation...

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Алтай встречается с Центральной Азией

Алтай встречается с Центральной Азией


Члены Горного Партнерства из Алтайской Республики посетили Университет Центральной Азии в Бишкеке, Кыргызстан. Чагат Алмашев, директор   Фонда Устойчивого Развития Алтая (FSDA) (на фото   крайний справа), в сопровождении алтайского мастера...

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Climate-Smart Agriculture to Reduce Vulnerability

Climate-Smart Agriculture to Reduce Vulnerability


Agroforestry is gaining ground as a tool for climate change adaptation and mitigation in Central America, a region where global warming could generate losses equivalent to 19 percent of gross...

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WMO Considers Draft Implementation Plan for Global Framework for Climate Services

WMO Considers Draft Implementation Plan for Global Framework for Climate Services


At its 64th session the Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), which took place from 25 June to 3 July 2012, in Geneva, Switzerland, was adopted a draft...

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Future Andean Community legislation on illegal mining

Future Andean Community legislation on illegal mining


July 10, 2012. Last week, during a meeting held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Colombia, the countries who are member of the Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru and...

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Кыргызстан на Третьей ассамблее Горного Партнерства в РИО+20

Кыргызстан на Третьей ассамблее Горного Партнерства в РИО+20


Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия. Более 70 представителей правительств горных стран, межправительственных организаций и НПО собрались на Третью Глобальную Встречу Горного Партнерства, которая состоялась 19 июня 2012 года в Горном Павильоне на конференции...

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