Regional meeting on Climate Change and Mountains in Central Asia

9-11 November 2011
Dushanbe, Tajikistan

The Regional Meeting on Climate Change and Mountains in Central Asia was held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, from 9 to 11 November 2011. The meeting was jointly organised by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, the University of Central Asia (UCA) and the Government of Tajikistan, with support from the World Bank, in the context of the Strategic Initiative for Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Development in Mountain Regions.

Almost 90 percent of the population of Central Asia relies on water that falls in the mountainswhere it is stored in glaciers and snow before making its way downstream to populationcentres.

Overall, Tajikistan holds 40 percent of the water resources serving the fiveCentral Asia countries. These water resources also serve China and Russia. However, global warming is slowly decimating mountain glaciers, affecting snow reserves and at the same time increasing water requirements of basic agriculturalcrops.

In Tajikistan, participants visited three project sites in the Nurobod district of the Rasht Valley.


Related information

Press release (9/11/11)
Press release (14/11/11)
Background presentation
List of participants

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