Sasha DiGiulian is a renowned figure in the climbing world, boasting numerous accolades such as being the Female Overall World Champion and holding the panAmerican Champion title for an unprecedented 10 years. She is a three-time US National Champion and achieved the remarkable feat of being the first North American woman and the third woman globally to climb grade 5.14d, (9a). Sasha has traveled to over 50 countries, completing 30+ First and First Female Ascents, including challenging Big Walls of 5.14 grades.

Sasha believes in the transformative power of sports for youth and female development. As a woman thriving in a traditionally male-dominated space, she advocates for equality in sport, access, pay and treatment of female athletes. Through her initiatives like Female Focused Adventures, which focuses on storytelling in the female adventure space and empowers female content creators, Sasha aims to enhance the access and experiences of women in outdoor activities. 

Sasha's dedication to empowering women in the outdoors has earned her prestigious awards such as the Golden Piton Award and the Arco Rock Legend Award. She has also been recognized by Glamour Magazine and the Virginia Legislature for her groundbreaking achievements. In addition to her role as Mountain Partnership Goodwill Ambassador, she serves on the board of the Women’s Sports Foundation, as well as the board of Ascend Afghanistan, and is an ambassador for Access Fund, Protect our Winters and Right to Play International.

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